
  • Icon size guidelines

    Images are only available on qReveal Premium plans. Upgrade to premium to get access to this helpful feature. You can optionally add two icons to your account under the Settings menu. Favicon A favicon is a small square icon typically found the user's browser tab. It's designed to help users q...
  • Image examples

    Images are only available on qReveal Premium plans. Upgrade to premium to get access to this helpful feature. Below are examples of where each image you upload appears to your customers. Locations Menu or price lists Categories Items large Items icon Modifier icon
  • Image size and file guidelines

    Images are only available on qReveal Premium plans. Upgrade to premium to get access to this helpful feature. Although all images are optional, we recommend uploading, at minimum, your logo and an image for each menu or price list you have. If you don't upload a logo, your organization name wil...
  • Image uploading

    Images are only available on qReveal Premium plans. Upgrade to premium to get access to this helpful feature. It’s easy to upload images to qReveal. Our image upload fields look something like this: This example shows that you can upload up two images for this item, but keep in mind that some...
  • Logo examples

    Logos are only available on qReveal Premium plans. Upgrade to premium to get access to this helpful feature. Logo for light theme Logo for dark theme Favicon Device icon
  • Logos

    Logos are only available on qReveal Premium plans. Upgrade to premium to get access to this helpful feature. In qReveal, eligible users can upload logos to be used on their contactless menus or price lists. Business logos As the business level, you can define a set of logos that are used for a...
  • Logo tips

    Logos are only available on qReveal Premium plans. Upgrade to premium to get access to this helpful feature. When uploading a logo, here are some tips and tricks for making them look their best. Image format We recommend uploading logos as PNG files with a transparent background (if you need h...
  • Uploading images

    Images are only available on qReveal Premium plans. Upgrade to premium to get access to this helpful feature. Eligible members can upload images in select locations throughout the qReveal admin. When you can upload an image, you'll see this: There are two ways to upload an image: Drag a file o...