
Logos are only available on qReveal Premium plans. Upgrade to premium to get access to this helpful feature.

In qReveal, eligible users can upload logos to be used on their contactless menus or price lists.

Business logos

As the business level, you can define a set of logos that are used for all locations your account controls. This is done under the Settings dashboard.

  1. Click Settings in the admin menu.
  2. Upload your logos.
  3. Be sure to click theĀ Save button or your images will not be uploaded.

Types of logos

There are four main types of logos you can upload for a business.

  • Logo for Light Theme: An image file designed to be used against a white or light colored background. In general, darker colors for text and key imagery works best.
  • Logo for Dark Theme: An image file designed to be used against a dark gray bkacground. In general, white or lighter colors for text and key imagery works best.
  • Favicon: The small icon that appears in the user's browser tab.
  • Device Icon: The icon that is added to Apple device home screens when a user "bookmarks" your menu or price list to the home screen. This file must be a PNG.

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