Modifier overview

The modifiers feature is only available on qReveal Premium plans. Upgrade to premium to get access to this helpful feature.

Modifiers are optional content that modify an item.

You might use modifiers to:

  • Show an upcharge for upgrading (such as showing it costs 50 cents more for cheese or an extra fee for a premium product or service upgrade)
  • Show an reduced charge for removing or downgrading (such as reducing the price by $2 for ordering the item with chicken or reducing a product or service cost if the customer does not need a certian portion of it)
  • Show different prices for items that can be modified in multiple ways (such as charging $2 for chicken or $5 for salmon or charging different rates based on part of a product or service selected by the customer)

In qReveal, locations are one level below items. The are the lowest level in qReveal.

  • Modifiers are completely optional.
  • Free plans do not include this feature. Premium plans include unlimited modifiers.
  • A modifier can be assigned to one or more item. This is helpful if you have multiple items with the same upcharge availble.
  • Premium users can create or edit a modifer at any time.
  • You can also delete a modiifer if you need to.

The chart below illustrates how qReveal organizes content into a hierarchy.

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