Getting Started

  • Video Tutorials

    This first video tutorial walks you through the basics of creating a locations, menus or price lists, categories, items and modifiers. Be sure to watch our hierarchy tutorial and signing up and logging in tutorials as well. After watching this, you can dive deeper with our settings and sorting...
  • Signing up

    qReveal offers two easy ways to sign up for our platform with needing to remember another password! The ‘magic link’ When you visit, you’ll see a screen like this: To get started with a new or existing account, just enter your email. We suggest using your busi...
  • Logging in

    qReveal offers two easy ways to log in to our platform with needing to remember another password! The ‘magic link’ When you visit, you’ll see a screen like this: To get started with an existing account, just enter the email you signed up with originally. Clic...
  • Free edition

    qReveal is pleased to offer a free plan that works for many small and medium sized businesses of all types. Our free plan is exactly that — free. There's no charge to use it. It is our hope that small businesses will be able to use our service for free to grow and help build back after the coron...
  • Free trial

    All customers are eligible for a free 7 day trial of the premium plan. This plan adds additional features that make your contactless menus even better. To sign up, click the Activate link on your admin navigation. You do need to provide a valid credit card to start your trial that will be charg...
  • Important concepts

    Before getting started, there are a few key concepts that we recommend getting acquainted with. This will help you get the most out of qReveal and work quickly and efficiently: How we organize qReveal in a hierarchy How assigning works to help tie everything together How to make sure your conten...