
  • Location overview

    Multiple locations are only available on qReveal Premium plans. Upgrade to premium to get access to this helpful feature. Locations are the top level in qReveal. In qReveal, locations are one level above menus or price lists. Every business on qReveal must have at least one location. Many busi...
  • Create a location

    Multiple locations are only available on qReveal Premium plans. Upgrade to premium to get access to this helpful feature. How to Click Locations in the admin navigation. Click Create New at the top of the page. Enter the required information as outlined in section below. Click the Save button. ...
  • Edit a location

    Multiple locations are only available on qReveal Premium plans. Upgrade to premium to get access to this helpful feature. Click Locations in the admin navigation. Locate the location you'd like to edit. Click the Edit button on the row of the location you'd like to edit. Update the information a...
  • Delete a location

    Multiple locations are only available on qReveal Premium plans. Upgrade to premium to get access to this helpful feature. Deleting is permanent and cannot be undone. Click Locations in the admin navigation. Locate the location you'd like to delete. Click the Delete button on the row of the loca...
  • Disclaimer

    Each location can have a disclaimer. This is a block of text that appears at the bottom of every page and is most commonly used for health and safety reminders. To add or edit your location's disclaimer, either create a new location or edit an existing one. Premium users can insert a limited ab...